JumpStart English 4 Skills Integrated Practice (New Edition)
P.3 & P.6,共2冊
- 練習以漸進模式編排,由淺入深,循序漸進學習
- 各卷特設:「熱門題」:常見題型;「特訓題」:難度較高題目
- 精選各練習字詞,按主題和詞性分門別類排列
- 詞條中、英對對照,方便參考
- 特設「活學活用」詞語練習題
QR Codes
P.3 & P.6, 2 Volumes
Arranged in the OSM format with progressive practices in 4 areas of Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking, and accompanied by exercises and booklets
Integrated Practice
- Practices are arranged in a progressive manner, from elementary to advanced, for easy transition
- Each practice contains questions marked with: Hot: common question types; Challenge: the more advanced questions
Skills Booster
- Demonstrates exam skills with examples
- Offers exam tips
Vocabulary Booster
- Extracts vocabulary from the practices by themes
- Contains Chinese translations for quick reference
- Consolidates learning with follow-up exercises
Answer Key with Marking Scheme
- Detailed explanations with marking scheme
- Suggested writing
QR Codes
- Includes audio recording of all listening practices
- Covers the demonstration of all speaking practices